VicRoads ,所以這次是直接殺到
Carlton 那裏、而不是打那隻很難接通的預約電話:131-171 (Mon-Fri 8.30am - 5pm, Sat 8.30am - 2pm) ,科科。
PTT 上面有人提問關於在臺灣持汽車駕照未滿三年、是否可以在換成
VIC 駕照的疑問,也在這裡附上唄。
依照 VicRoads 官網所顯示的資訊是:
Eligibility to qualify for a Victorian licence
Victorian full driver licenceTo obtain a Victorian full driver licence you must:
- be 21 years of age or older; and
- hold an overseas full driver licence; or
- have held an overseas probationary driver licence for at least three years from your 18th birthday (you must provide evidence).
Your overseas driver licence must be current or not expired by more than five years. Any period where you have been suspended or disqualified from driving is excluded when calculating the period of time you have held a licence.
Victorian probationary driver licenceTo obtain a Victorian probationary driver licence you must be at least 18 years of age. No exemptions apply.
An appropriate probationary period (P1 or P2) will apply, depending on your age and the amount of time your overseas driver licence has been held (you must provide evidence). Any period where you have been suspended of disqualified from driving is excluded when calculating the period of time you have held a licence.
You will be issued with a P1 probationary driver licence if you are under 21 years of age and have held an overseas driver licence for less than 12 months from your 18th birthday.
You will be issued with a P2 driver licence if you:
- are under 21 years of age and have held a driver licence for more than 12 months; or
- are 21 years of age or older and have held a driver licence for less than three years.
Victorian learner permit
You must be at least 16 years of age to obtain a Victorian learner permit (at least 18 years for a motorcycle). No age exemptions apply.
VicRoads 。
答案跟當日跑去 VicRoads 問得答案是一樣的: 即使滿25歲,持有汽車駕駛執照未滿三年的,是給予換 P 牌。除非你能夠足夠的證據來證明有超過三年以上的駕駛經驗、或者是有足夠的理由可以讓他們可以反駁,拿 full license ,這樣。
兩個星期後,戰戰兢兢一個人再度跑去 VicRoads 報到,原來有預約的、就直接到14、15號櫃檯等唱名的啊!
NATTI 翻譯本、之前換到的機車駕駛執照。一開始行政人員還把我歸類成
中國,也有請她修正後、就變成『 CHINA (TAIWAN)』——整個臉都綠了,X的。
後來,她發現我的駕照上面沒有顯示有效日期,就依照指導員的指示、去翻各國駕照的範本、然後就又翻到 CHINA 那頁,然後當然她無法對照啦!才又跟她說(還用45度微笑):「妳要翻到 TAIWAN 哦!因為是不一樣的國家!」後來她翻到 TAIWAN 那頁,才發現真的是一樣後,還跟我說:「Thank you for help.」。但很囧的是,那本裡面還是沒有提到臺灣新發的駕照是沒有有效日期的,囧爆了。
)』,自己幫忙正名,開心。 lol
加註只要付換照的錢 |
原本被告知說,預計正式駕照要等約一、兩個星期,但是就在昨天下午,就收到了、剛好整整一個星期哩,開心。 lol
新出爐的駕照 |
工商一下,這次還是找之前翻機車的 NATTI ;還是
email :taiwan3168@gmail.com 。