Donor questionnaire ,以下是給自己方便用的爛翻譯,科科。
Section A.
1. Ever volunteered to donate blood before?
2. Ever been advised not to give blood?
3. Ever suffered from anaemia or any blood disorder?
4. Ever had a serious illness, operation or been admitted to hospital?
5. Ever been pregnant (including miscarriage and termination of pregnancy)?
I am male
5a. If your answer is “Yes” – have you been pregnant in the last 9 months?
5a. 如果答案是 YES —請問妳曾在過去九個月內懷孕過。
6. Had a neurosurgical procedure involving the head, brain or spinal cord between 1972 and 1989?
曾經在 1972 - 1989 年間有過有參與過頭部、腦部或脊隨的神經外科?
7. Ever received a transplant or graft (organ, bone marrow, cornea, dura mater, bone, etc.)?
8. Received injections of human growth hormone for short stature or human pituitary hormone for infertility prior to 1986?
曾經在 1986 年前因為矮小症接受過生長激素或者是腦下垂體來治療不孕症?
9. Ever suffered from a head injury, stroke or epilepsy?
10. Ever had a heart or blood pressure problem, chest pain, rheumatic fever or a heart murmur?
11. Ever had a bowel disease, stomach or duodenal problems or ulcers?
12. Ever had kidney, liver or lung problems including tuberculosis (TB)
13. Ever had diabetes, a thyroid disorder or an autoimmune disease e.g. rheumatoid arthritis or lupus?
14. Ever had cancer of any kind including melanoma?
15. Ever had malaria, Ross River fever, Q fever, leptospirosis or Chagas’ disease?
曾經得過瘧疾、羅斯河病毒、 Q 型流感、鉤端螺旋體病或查加斯病?
16. Ever had jaundice (yellow eyes/skin) or hepatitis?
17. Ever had treatment with the medication TIGASON (Etretinate) or NEOTIGASON (Acitretin)?
18. What was your country of birth?
19. Have you ever been outside Australia? If your answer to question 19 is ‘No’ please go straight to Section B
有曾經住過澳洲以外的地方嗎?如果選 NO 請直接跳到 B 部分。
20. Have you spent a continuous period of 6 months or more outside Australia at any stage of your life?
21. Have you been outside Australia in the last 3 years?
22. Have you ever received a transfusion or injection of blood or blood products outside Australia?
23. From 1 January 1980 through to 31 December 1996 inclusive, have you spent (visited or lived) a total time which adds up to 6 months or more in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, or the Falkland Islands?
曾經在 1980年01月01日到1996年12月31日間,有超過六個月待過以下的地方:England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, or the Falkland Islands?
Section B.
1. Are you feeling healthy and well?
2. In the next 3 days, do you intend to participate in any activity which would place you or others at risk of injury if you were to become unwell after donating, such as: Driving public transport, operating heavy machinery, underwater diving, piloting a plane or other activities?
In the last week,
3. have you: Had dental work, cleaning, fillings or extractions?
4. Taken any aspirin, pain killers or anti-inflammatory preparations?
5. Had any cuts, abrasions, sores or rashes?
6. Had a gastric upset, diarrhoea, abdominal pain or vomiting?
Since your last donation, have you – or if you are a new donor, have you in the last 12 months:
7. Been unwell, or seen a doctor or any other health care practitioner, had an operation Yes No (surgical procedure) or any tests/investigation?
8. Had chest pain/angina or an irregular heartbeat?
9. Taken tablets for acne or a skin condition?
10. Taken any other medication, including regular or clinical trial medication?
11. Worked in an abattoir?
12. Had a sexually transmitted infection e.g. gonorrhoea, syphilis or genital herpes?
13. Had any immunisations/vaccinations including as part of a clinical trial?
14. Had shingles or chickenpox?
15. Do you know of anyone in your family who had or has:
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)?
Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker syndrome (GSS)? •
Fatal familial insomnia (FFI)?
繼上次捐完血後或者是如果您是第一次捐血,在過去的十二個月內, 家族內是否有人得過以下疾病:庫賈氏病、新類型庫賈氏病、致死性家族失眠症。
Since your last donation, have you:
16. Been pregnant (including miscarriage and termination of pregnancy)?
I am male
If your answer is “Yes” – have you been pregnant in the last 9 months?
如答 YES 的話,請問您在過去的九個月內有懷孕嗎?
17. Been outside Australia?
18. If your answer to question 17 is ‘No’ please go to Section C
如果第 17 題答案是 NO ,請直接跳到 C 部分。
19. Received a transfusion or injection of blood or blood products outside Australia?
Section C.
To the best of your knowledge, have you EVER:
1. Thought you could be infected with HIV or have AIDS?
據自己所知道的,曾經懷疑過自己可能感染愛滋病毒 HIV 、 AIDS ?
2. “Used drugs” by injection or been injected, even once, with drugs not prescribed by a doctor or dentist?
據自己所知道的,曾經使用過 “ 他人使用或注射過 ” 的藥物,而這些藥物是沒有經過正式管道取得的。
3. Had treatment with clotting factors such as factor VIII or factor IX?
據自己所知道的,曾經使用過凝血因子進行過治療?例如 factor VIII or factor IX 。
4. Had a test which showed you had hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV or HTLV?
據自己所知道的,曾經有檢測結果顯示有換過乙型肝炎、丙型肝炎、HIV 或 HTLV ?
In the last 12 months have you:
5. Had an illness with both a rash AND swollen glands, with or without a fever?
在過去的 12 個月中,您有同時因為疹子跟淋巴結感到不舒服,無論是否有發燒?
6. Engaged in sexual activity with someone you might think would answer “yes” to any of questions 1-5?
在過去的 12 個月中,您可能有跟 “如上問題 1 至 5 ”有可能答案是 YES 的人發生過性行為?
7. Had sexual activity with a new partner who currently lives or has previously lived overseas?
在過去的 12 個月中,您的新性伴侶目前或者是之前是住在澳洲境外的?
8. Had sex (with or without a condom) with a man who you think may have had oral or anal sex with another man?
在過去的 12 個月中,有跟男性有過性行為是透過口交或肛交且並沒有使用保險套?
9. Had male to male sex (that is, oral or anal sex) with or I am female without a condom?
在過去的 12 個月中,曾有口交或肛交性行為與另一名男性,或者是我是女性但是沒有使用保險套。
10. Been a male or female sex worker (e.g. received payment for sex in money, gifts or drugs)?
在過去的 12 個月中,曾從事男性或是女性的性工作者(包含收取金額、禮物或是藥品)?
11. Engaged in sexual activity with a male or female sex worker?
在過去的 12 個月中,曾經與性工作者有過性行為(無論男性還是女性)?
12. Been imprisoned in a prison or been held in a lock-up or detention centre?
在過去的 12 個月中,曾經是矯正機關收容人?
13. Had a blood transfusion?
在過去的 12 個月中,曾經接受過輸血?
14. Had (yellow) jaundice or hepatitis or been in contact with someone who has?
在過去的 12 個月中,曾經接觸過有黃疸或肝癌患者?
In the last 6 months have you:
15. Been injured with a used needle (needlestick)?
在過去的 6 個月中,曾經被使用過的針頭刺傷過?
16. Had a blood/body fluid splash to eyes, mouth, nose or to broken skin?
在過去的 6 個月中,曾經有接觸血液或體液在眼睛、嘴巴、鼻子或者是開放性傷口?
17. Had a tattoo (including cosmetic tattooing), body and/or ear piercing, electrolysis or acupuncture (including dry-needling)?
在過去的 6 個月中,有刺青過(包含美容紋身),身體或穿耳洞、紋繡、針灸(包含乾針)。